Science-God-atheist Science means the perfect unbiased analysis of all the items and concepts of the imaginable creation. We welcome science as far as the path of the analysis is concerned. At the end, the right conclusion should be drawn and some scientists draw the wrong conclusion, which is in the opposite direction to the right conclusion. Science is like the straight tusk of the tree and these two conclusions are like the two branches generating from the tip of the tusk in the opposite directions. We also travel along the tusk in line with the atheists. We differ from the atheist at the end of the analysis only. Atheists take the direction of the wrong conclusion and we take the direction of the right conclusion. Our right conclusion is that no item of this imaginary creation is God and no concept related to this creation can be the concept of God. The wrong conclusion of the atheists is that nothing exists beyond this imaginable creation and hence God does not exist. We use the a...