
Showing posts from December, 2014


Science-God-atheist Science means the perfect unbiased analysis of all the items and concepts of the imaginable creation. We welcome science as far as the path of the analysis is concerned. At the end, the right conclusion should be drawn and some scientists draw the wrong conclusion, which is in the opposite direction to the right conclusion. Science is like the straight tusk of the tree and these two conclusions are like the two branches generating from the tip of the tusk in the opposite directions. We also travel along the tusk in line with the atheists. We differ from the atheist at the end of the analysis only. Atheists take the direction of the wrong conclusion and we take the direction of the right conclusion. Our right conclusion is that no item of this imaginary creation is God and no concept related to this creation can be the concept of God. The wrong conclusion of the atheists is that nothing exists beyond this imaginable creation and hence God does not exist. We use the a...

What is called as Pantheism in philosophy became popular in Europe during the 17th Century C.E during the...

What is called as Pantheism in philosophy became popular in Europe during the 17th Century C.E during the Renaissance and after serious studies of Vedanta by Europeans. This theory is taken further by Einstein and subsequently by the Quantum Physics people - as Bio-entanglement physics. This particular thing is originally is the Vedas. The Veda maha vakyam "sarvam khalvidam brahma" - सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मम । In the Ishavaasyopanishad also the first Mantra starts as "Ishavaasyamidam sarvam..." ईशावास्यमिदं सर्वं यत्किञ्च जगत्यां जगत् । This is an important and advanced state in spirituality. This state can't be explained as the Yogi sees everything is connected with each other and ultimately all together as one - like a vishvaroopadarshan. This is actually the other side of Monism - particularly witnessable in the physical universe. In Organized Religions are against this universal truth and willfully lead people away from this. Our ideas of multiple gods, Vegetar...

What lies beyond the boundary of the infinite universe

What lies beyond the boundary of the infinite universe  The infinite cosmos [universe] itself is a proof of the existence of unimaginable God. ‘Infinite’ means that the boundary of the universe is everlasting. What is the secret of this everlasting boundary? Suppose, let us say that the ocean is infinite. It means that you may travel and travel for any extent of time, you will not reach the bank of the ocean. The bank of the ocean means the land, which is different from the ocean or its water. The land, which is beyond the water, is never achieved if the ocean is infinite. If the boundary of the ocean is achieved, it means the land, which is separate from water is seen. Similarly, if the boundary of the universe is achieved, it means that the unimaginable God, who is separate from the imaginable universe is achieved. But, the boundary of the universe is never achieved. This means that something, which is beyond the cosmos or the universe, can never be achieved. What can be beyond the u...

Enjoy misery also the same way like happiness

Enjoy misery also  the same way like happiness SECRET OF LIFE  Whole Life & Creation is Alternate Happiness & Misery O Learned and Devoted Servants of God, The human being is reluctant to miseries and enjoys the happy situation. The human being can be compared to an ignorant child, who enjoys the sweets only and is reluctant to chillies. Hence, such a human being is ignorant. The grown up adult enjoys both sweets and chillies in the meals. Similarly, a realized soul enjoys both happy situation and miseries in the life. Therefore, it is only ignorance, which is the inability of art of enjoyment. God created this world with happiness and misery. People enjoy the cinema, which contains both pleasant scenes and tragic scenes.  Similarly, people enjoy both sweet dishes and hot dishes in the meals. People enjoy the day and night. People enjoy the hot summer and the cold winter. The whole life and creation is full of alternating happiness and misery. If a person can enjoy both happy t...

Mantra drshTaa:- Is it possible to see the words.

Mantra drshTaa:- Is it possible to see the words. Yes. Babies see colors when they hear some sounds. Autistic people can see colors and shapes when they hear sound as well as hear sounds when they see patterns. Oscilloscopes can convert sounds to visual patterns. At some level, energy level of both light and sound has similar qualities. There is in reality a very small spectrum which is only visible or audible by us in this energy soup - rest all are incomprehensible. The moment we use our sensory organ then it can be constituted as we are trying to interpret a portion of that energy - but what can be interpreted by our sensory organs is actually very limited. Even though we, dogs, bats, bees and owls live in the same world - the world that we see is different that of a dog or a bat or a bee etc. So where are the limitations? - not in our sensory organs - but in our false understanding that with these limited sensory organs we can comprehend the ultimate. Sensory organs' purpose is...

A poor peon- A begger- Deceased rich man

A poor peon- A begger- Deceased rich man A poor peon is the greedy fellow in the previous birth, who earned wealth for generations through businesses and corruption without any sacrifice.  A beggar searching for money is a person, who wasted the money in lavish manner by giving to undeserving people.  A life long deceased rich fellow is a rich person in the previous birth, who spent all the earnings for his selfishness only.

Some concepts that we need to understand before we embark on the study of Vedas.

Some concepts that we need to understand before we embark on the study of Vedas. Vivakshaa:- speaker's intention. Normally in communications we try to understand the speaker's intention - this gets communicated through verbal as well as non-verbal means. Thus through the non-verbal part - tone, gesture, body movements, etc. we could understand the verbal part. This is possible if both the listener and the speaker are present in the same time or place or else there is a video recording of the communication. Now if the speaker has no other intention other than just the communication of a natural /supernatural phenomenon - meaning there is nothing extra, not even a tiny bit of interpretation by the speaker, then the message itself is the truth. (Imagine watching a cricket match without any commentary and that too the video comes only from the stump vision camera, no replay etc.). The Vedic Rishis have just recorded what they have seen in their deep meditation. There is no Vivaksha...

Powerful Argument to bring Atheist to Spiritual Line

Powerful Argument to bring Atheist to Spiritual Line The way to control the sins of the atheists There  is a powerful argument to bring the atheist to the line of spiritual knowledge so that the social evils can be controlled since atheists are also part of the society. Such powerful concept is 50-50 probability. I have not shown the existence of the hell, where the sin is punished in this universe. But, the atheist also has not shown the absence of hell in this infinite space. In this state of situation, there is 50-50 probability of existence and non-existence of God. The hell may exist because the atheist has not taken Me to the boundary of the universe and established the absence of hell.  I also could not show the existence of the hell in this space and hence, the hell may not exist. In such case, the wisdom advises to believe the existence of hell to be on safe side. Some people say that there is fire and some others say that there is no fire in the path ahead and the walker is b...
Unity in all the religions of world for peace God is unimaginable and - cannot be served directly. There is no other way than – to serve mediated God. Buddha is also misunderstood – as an atheist by followers. Buddha kept silent about God, – silence means unimaginable. Silence does not mean that – God is non-existent, Veda says  That words cannot touch God, – only silence indicates God. Shankara says that God is best – explained through silence. All religions can be correlated, – since there is one God only. The concept of one God – should be proved first of all. Then only correlation of – the scriptures of all religions. Without the basic establishment – of the point of one God, If you correlate scriptures, – correlation may be coincidence, since Some times unity may exist – in speeches of different speakers. This will not bring unity in – all the religions of world for peace. If one God is proved first, - all religions must be united subsequently. Shankara united sub-religions – in H...

Universal Spirituality:

Universal Spirituality: My main aim to propagate the divine knowledge  On this earth is Universal Spirituality  For World Peace, because there should not be difference Based on the religion, two people should not fight For the sake of Nivrutti, which is reaching the Lord. Nivrutti is related to Lord and is very sacred.  Should one stab another for the sake of this?  In India have you not heard of a Muslim stabbing Hindu And vice-versa just for the sake of religion?  There is meaning if two fight for wealth etc., Which is Pravrutti, Pandavas and Kauravas fought With each other for wealth, it is justified  Both belong to the same Hindu religion They did not fight for the religion It is shameful for the Lord to see such fights!  The same Lord is in two different dresses. And you both are fighting for the difference in the dress!  You are not recognizing that the same teacher came And taught the same syllabus in two different languages. To one class He came in red shirt and to another clas...


SELF PRAISE IS A SIN BUT IT IS NEEDED IN SOME CONTEXT : “There is no doubt that self-praise brings ego and is a sin. The same self-praise can be used as medicine in the context of lowered self-confidence. The poison of snake is harmful in normal condition. But, the same poison is used in preparing a medicine called ‘Vishaamrutarasa’ (Ayurvedic medicine), which is used in the final stage of viral fever as a medicine. The same poison saves the human being in that special context. Similarly, self-praise brings ego and is harmful to the human being in ordinary condition. But, the same self-praise acts as medicine in the state of lowered self-confidence leading to depression, which on further intensification may lead even to suicide. In this context, you cannot say that the self-praise is a sin. It is not a sin everytime in the case of everybody. If it is a sin always, Hanuman must have not used it. The self-depression effects even the physical health.  Food, body and mind are inter-related...

God's Management of deeds of a soul

God's Management of  deeds of a soul         God acts as Father as well as the teacher (Guru) in the case of any soul.  Since God created the soul, He is the Father.  But at the same time He is the teacher who trains every soul to come up in the spiritual path.  Generally in the world the father is different since teacher is separate.  But here in the case of any soul the real Father and the real teacher is only one and that is God.  Therefore, God is always kind as Father and is strict and harsh as teacher.  But the harshness of the teacher is apparent only and in reality the harshness is kindness only.  Hence, basically God is always kind.  God appears harsh as the teacher and appears kind as Father.   Since, the teacher is basically kind even in his harsh attitude also, God is always kind in reality or in the basic sense.  The souls have done continuous sins and continuous good deeds and if the results are to be given based on the same sequence and span of time, there will be co...

Meaning of second coming of Jesus

Meaning of second coming of Jesus   The names like Rama, Krishna, Jesus etc., belong to the external human body, which has taken birth. Such names are generated only after the birth of these human bodies. Therefore, such names are certainly the names of the external human bodies only, which are like the shirts. When the human bodies perish, these names also must perish. But these names exist as eternal names even after the disappearance of these human bodies due to death. The reason is that these names were directed towards the inner Lord even during the time of existence these human bodies.   A person is carrying vegetables for selling. You call him by the name “ Vegetables”. The person is not vegetable and the vegetables are not the person also. But the possessor of the vegetables is called by the name of the possessed material. Similarly, when the name “ Krishna or Jesus” was called, this name was directed towards the internal Lord also. Therefore, even if the human body perished, s...

There are many practices in our culture which have proven health and environmental benefits; but explaining science...

There are many practices in our culture which have proven health and environmental benefits; but explaining science behind almost every practice is not only foolishness but laughable also. Is the fact that the rituals and traditions i follow foster bonhomie in society and gives a chance to introspect rising above our ego, not good enough to follow them!? We don't have to keep attaching intellectual-sounding gibberish logics to justify our rituals. At a time when our culture was under threat, the fabric was revitalised by the scholars of Vedas and Vedanta like Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sri Madhvacharya, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Swami Vivekananda, Sri Aurobindo Ghosh to name a few from different times.  But today, it seems that the "protector" tag is hijacked/mis-used by the politically motivated, ill-informed and worse-knowledge-ed people. Someone who seems to have never went through any of our scriptures. The need of the time is the emergence of an articulate, credible, and pr...

I was not aware of the short Sanskrit news वार्ताः on DoorDarshan National channel.

I was not aware of the short Sanskrit news वार्ताः on DoorDarshan National channel. Time: 06:50 to 07:00 a.m. early morning!

All that one need to do is summarized neatly...

All that one need to do is summarized neatly...

The fruit of the work depends on the direction of the work and not mere work

The fruit of the work depends on the direction of the work and not mere work Question:  If God is the real doer of all the works and hence, all the fruits good or bad should be enjoyed by God only and not the individual soul. Please explain this? ----------------------------------------------------- Answer: The fruit of the work depends on the direction of the work and not mere work. When you shoot the enemy in the war, you are rewarded. When you shoot a good citizen in society, you are punished. The fruits are different for the different directions of the work. Direction is according to the individual soul. God is like the gun and the shooter is like the individual soul. The killer is the shooter and not the gun. The work of killing is done by the gun only in both cases and so God is the doer of all the works. The potential doer is only God. The individual soul is also the doer because the fruit is coming to him only. Therefore, the doer can be either God or individual soul. In order ...

According to traditional scriptures, Nammalwar was born in 43rd Kali of 3059 BC.[1] As per Hindu legend, Nammazhwar...

According to traditional scriptures, Nammalwar was born in 43rd Kali of 3059 BC.[1] As per Hindu legend, Nammazhwar remained speechless from his birth sitting in a tamarind tree and he first interacted with Madhurakavi Alvar, who saw a bright light shining to the south, and followed it until he reached the tree where the boy was residing. The works of Nammazhwar were compiled by Madhurakavi as four different works, namely, Thiruvaymozhi (1102 verses), Thiruviruttam (100 verses), Thiruvaasiriam (or Thiru Aasiriyam - 7 verses) andPeriya Thiruvanthadi (87 verses). The works of Nammazhwar contributed to the philosophical and theological ideas of Vaishnavism. Along with the three Saiva nayanmars Appar, Sundarar, Sambandar, they influenced the ruling Pallava kings of the South Indian region, resulting in changing the religious geography from Buddhism and Jainism to the two sects of Hinduism.

For those who would love to read:

For those who would love to read: Need to study these aspects further...

I have witnessed many questions in this forum deep in nature mainly with respect to Veda's teachings on contemporary...

I have witnessed many questions in this forum deep in nature mainly with respect to Veda's teachings on contemporary Science and Philosophy. The devine life - A book by Sri. Aurobindo answers many of these questions - meant for serious seekers... I have not yet read this book but got hold of a copy. Anyone who read can share some important points about this.