Some concepts that we need to understand before we embark on the study of Vedas.

Some concepts that we need to understand before we embark on the study of Vedas.

Vivakshaa:- speaker's intention. Normally in communications we try to understand the speaker's intention - this gets communicated through verbal as well as non-verbal means. Thus through the non-verbal part - tone, gesture, body movements, etc. we could understand the verbal part. This is possible if both the listener and the speaker are present in the same time or place or else there is a video recording of the communication. Now if the speaker has no other intention other than just the communication of a natural /supernatural phenomenon - meaning there is nothing extra, not even a tiny bit of interpretation by the speaker, then the message itself is the truth. (Imagine watching a cricket match without any commentary and that too the video comes only from the stump vision camera, no replay etc.).

The Vedic Rishis have just recorded what they have seen in their deep meditation. There is no Vivakshaa (no intention), on their part - they were just hollow (holy) and thus what that needs flow, flows through them. One important thing here to be noted is the first person account.

Sutra:- Means a thread. So when we have sutra, what that means - we have one end of the thread - holding onto it and using that end to progress towards the other end - we could witness the ultimate truth.

Meaning:- Veda itself is a sutra. The language is often cryptic, confusing and not easy to understand. The suffix and prefixes are separated from the words and written elsewhere in the sentence. Meters in the metered versus has more meaning conveying power than the roots, words, suffixes and prefixes. Tonal variations have more power than even the meter.

Rta:- One important underlying thing that is repeatedly appearing in Veda is Rta. The manifested part of the truth. The cyclical nature of nature, the Divine order or Meta order, Order which appears to be chaotic but in perfect synchronization. The 33 devataas - 8 Vasus - Bhoomi (Natural), etc. 11 Rudras (Transformative) Fire etc. 12 Adityas (Cosmic) - all these are part of Rta or they are the embodiment of Rta which enforce Rta.

Veda itself says about the ultimate as that which is Sat as well as na Sat (not aSat) - nobody has seen, etc.

Will continue...
#vedas   #vedanta   #shastra


  1. do you have vedas?
    is it available in languages other than sanskrit?

  2. Vedas are in a particular dialect of Sanskrit only. This dialect is not spoken and to my knowledge is never spoken ever. You can listen to Vedas or you can recite. With respect to meaning we only have the adhidaivika part of meaning - that too whereever we have the bhashya of Sayanacharya available. With respect to the last part of Vedas the Upanishads we have Shankaracharya's commentary for the major 10 Upanishads.

  3. Krishnamurthi CG where will i get to listen it?
    U saying that humans understood only half of veda?

  4. First what we have is only a small part. Particularlt the Krishna yajurveda is intact in full from Taitriya samhita to brahmana to aaranyaka and upanishad. We have lost most of Samaveda and Atharvaveda. Many parts of sukla yajurveda and in Rig veda many shakhas are lost. So there is no question of understanding the full veda. Also Vedas have 3 levels of meanings - adhibautika, adhidaivika and adhyaatmika. We have meanings mostly at Upasana level - the adhidaivika part. Veda rakshanam means the vedas have to be learned, recited and taught in the traditional way to next generation. So lets protect what we have...


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