Mantra drshTaa:- Is it possible to see the words.

Mantra drshTaa:- Is it possible to see the words. Yes. Babies see colors when they hear some sounds. Autistic people can see colors and shapes when they hear sound as well as hear sounds when they see patterns. Oscilloscopes can convert sounds to visual patterns. At some level, energy level of both light and sound has similar qualities. There is in reality a very small spectrum which is only visible or audible by us in this energy soup - rest all are incomprehensible. The moment we use our sensory organ then it can be constituted as we are trying to interpret a portion of that energy - but what can be interpreted by our sensory organs is actually very limited. Even though we, dogs, bats, bees and owls live in the same world - the world that we see is different that of a dog or a bat or a bee etc. So where are the limitations? - not in our sensory organs - but in our false understanding that with these limited sensory organs we can comprehend the ultimate. Sensory organs' purpose is not to find truth but mere survival in this world. So then how do we see the truth - by closing the eyes, ears, and all the other sensory organs - in essence it means only in deep meditation /comtemplation

Mantra:- Mananaat traayate iti mantra. That which protects us - meaning guides us in the proper direction, through our contemplation is mantra. So we understand through contemplation or through mantra?. This is like we see because of our eyes or because light? - the answer is actually due the internal light we see - not because of external light or the eyes. Same way there is an internal rtam the external mantra just resembles that internal tune.
#mantra   #vedas


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