Definition of the Supreme !
Definition of the Supreme ! दिक्कालाद्यनवच्छिन्नानन्त चिन्मात्रमूर्तये । स्वानुभूत्येकमानाय नमश्शान्ताय तेजसे ॥ This is the dhyaana sloka of "Neeti shatakam" (100 verses on morality) of Sri.Bhartrhari. In this he defines the "Supreme power" (God) and salutes to "That" - very interesting definition. (Note that Sri. Bhartrhari lived before Sri. Shankaracharya, Sri. Ramanujacharya, Sri.Madhvacharya, etc.). This definition is quite similar to the Upanishadic explanations of the "Supreme" - however in one single sloka he defined "That". दिक्कालादि अनवच्छिन्न - "That" which is not confined to Space, time, etc. and all other kinds of contexts. अनन्त - "That" which is endless (automatically means beginingless) चिन्मात्रमूर्ति - "That" which has the form of only the consciousness स्वानुभूति-एक-मानाय - "That" which can be measured (perceived) only through one's own virtue of awareness (here the word vir...