Do we really have a free will ?? I doubt so because, everything falls under the laws of physics isnt it ? Suppose there are one Na(Sodium) atom and one H(Hydrogen) atom and one Cl(Chroline) atom freely romaing in a space where assume there is no gravity to influence them, and say Na atom is mile away and H atom is just a meter away, H atom is likely to get attracted towards Cl atom and produce a HCl molecule than NaCl, so we dont call it H is lucky or Na is unlucy, its the law that had made it like that. At big bang there were trillions and trillions of atoms that were thrown with great velocities and the physicals laws has made this world what we see. If I am 5feet long, yes coz of the food I intake, had I been in Moon where gravity is 6times less, I would be 30feet long. So if I build a super duper computer which can say which atom will interact with which atom after 10 minutes with the univeral laws programed to it, it will tell you, u cant say its predicting the future, it is w...