इन्द्रो वायुर्यमश्चैव नैर्ऋतो मध्यमस्तथा ।

इन्द्रो वायुर्यमश्चैव नैर्ऋतो मध्यमस्तथा ।
ईशानश्च कुबेरश्च अग्निर्वरुण एव च ॥

First breaking the conjugations –
इन्द्र: वायु: यम: च एव नैर्ऋतः मध्यम: तथा ।
ईशान: च कुबेर: च अग्नि: वरुण: एव च ॥

In order of appearance in above sloka:
1. इन्द्र: = Indra, presiding deity of the easterly direction
2. वायु: = wind, presiding deity of north-westerly direction
3. यम: = Yama, presiding deity of Southern direction.
4. नैर्ऋतः = one of eight “Vasu”s , presiding deity of south-westerly direction
5. मध्यम: = the middle one
6. ईशान: = name of Shiva, presiding deity of North-easterly direction.
7. कुबेर: = God of wealth, presiding deity of north direction
8. अग्नि: = fire, presiding deity of south-easterly direction
9. वरुण: = God of rains, presiding deity of western direction

place them in their respective place according to above information:
2 वायु: 7 कुबेर: 6 ईशान:
9 वरुण: 5 मध्यम: 1 इन्द्र:
4 नैर्ऋतः 3 यम: 8 अग्नि:

Now look just at the numbers. Numbers in all rows, columns and diagonals sum up to 15.
This shloka is a solution to a 3×3 magic square !

from : https://slabhyankar.wordpress.com/2010/06/06/145/#comments

Namo Namah



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