।।। मेधा सूक्तं ।।।

।।। मेधा सूक्तं ।।।
medhA sUktam

तैत्तिरीयारण्यकम् – 4, प्रपाठकः – 10, अनुवाकः – 41-44
छन्द :- त्रिष्टुप् , गायत्री, देवता- मेधा, हंस:

ॐ यश्छन्द॑सामृष॒भो वि॒श्वरू॑पः । छन्दो॒भ्यो‌உध्य॒मृता॓थ्सम्ब॒भूव॑ । स मेन्द्रो॑ मे॒धया॓ स्पृणोतु । अ॒मृत॑स्य देव॒धार॑णो भूयासम् । शरी॑रं मे विच॑र्षणम् । जि॒ह्वा मे॒ मधु॑मत्तमा । कर्णा॓भ्यां॒ भूरि॒विश्रु॑वम् । ब्रह्म॑णः को॒शो॑‌உसि मे॒धया पि॑हितः । श्रु॒तं मे॑ गोपाय ॥

Om, The most exalted in all the sacred texts . For the sake of the vedas it
emerged simultaneously from the eternal one.
May that superior one deliver gratify, protect, bestow to me.
Oh Lord, may I become the possessor of the eternal nectar - the wisdom.
May the body I hold become active with counsiouness.
May my tongue become the sweetest and always speak the best.
May I hear abundantly about the ultimate knowledge
You are the treasure of the brahman, filled with the divine intellect.
May my learnings be preserved.

ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥

अथ श्री मेधा सूक्तम्

ॐ मे॒धादे॒वी जु॒षमा॑णा न॒ आगा॓द्वि॒श्वाची॑ भ॒द्रा सु॑मन॒स्य मा॑ना । त्वया॒ जुष्टा॑ नु॒दमा॑ना दु॒रुक्ता॓न् बृ॒हद्व॑देम वि॒दथे॑ सु॒वीरा॓ः । त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑ ऋ॒षिर्भ॑वति देवि॒ त्वया॒ ब्रह्मा॑‌உ‌உग॒तश्री॑रु॒त त्वया॓ । त्वया॒ जुष्ट॑श्चि॒त्रं वि॑न्दते वसु॒ सा नो॑ जुषस्व॒ द्रवि॑णो न मेधे ॥

Let the omnipresent goddess Saraswathi, the bestower of everything good, including happiness, grace us with Her presence. O Devi, earlier we wasted our precious time in worthless and useless talk. Now, with your benign grace we have become wise and obtained the capacity to discuss lofty truths along with our good children and disciples.

O Devi! One who has your Grace flowers into a rishi- a sage. He becomes a Brahma Jnani-- one who realizes the Brahman and prosperous in all respects. Oh, goddess Saraswathi, kindly grant us riches and all round prosperity.

मे॒धां म॒ इन्द्रो॑ ददातु मे॒धां दे॒वी सर॑स्वती । मे॒धां मे॑ अ॒श्विना॑वु॒भा-वाध॑त्तां॒ पुष्क॑रस्रजा । अ॒प्स॒रासु॑ च॒ या मे॒धा गं॑ध॒र्वेषु॑ च॒ यन्मनः॑ । दैवीं॓ मे॒धा सर॑स्वती॒ सा मां॓ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्जुषता॒ग्॒ स्वाहा॓ ॥

Let Indra, king of God's and goddess Saraswathi grant me intellect! Let the Aswini Devas bedecked with lotus garlands grant me intellect!
Let me be granted the same intellect innate in the Divine damsels- apsaras and the mind of the Gandharvas! Let that intellect which revealed itself as the Vedic knowledge and spreads like sweet fragrance be granted to me!

आमां॓ मे॒धा सु॒रभि॑र्वि॒श्वरू॑पा॒ हिर॑ण्यवर्णा॒ जग॑ती जग॒म्या । ऊर्ज॑स्वती॒ पय॑सा॒ पिन्व॑माना॒ सा मां॓ मे॒धा सु॒प्रती॑का जुषन्ताम् ॥

Medha-- Intellect grants inner wisdom, spreads like sweet fragrance, can examine and research all things in the universe, glitters like gold and is everlasting! It should be realized by the seekers of Truth! Let Medha-- Devi who brings me up with milk and other riches take me into her fold with her radiant face and bring me safety and renown!

मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मय्य॒ग्निस्तेजो॑ दधातु॒ मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयीन्द्र॑ इन्द्रि॒यं द॑धातु॒ मयि॑ मे॒धां मयि॑ प्र॒जां मयि॒ सूर्यो॒ भ्राजो॑ दधातु ॥

Let Agni, the god of Fire grant me intellect, progeny, the radiance from the recitation of the Vedas along with the strength of the indriyas! Let Surya, the Sun god grant me intellect, progeny and the power to terrify the minds of my enemies!

ॐ हं॒स॒ हं॒साय॑ वि॒द्महे॑ परमहं॒साय॑ धीमहि । तन्नो॑ हंसः प्रचो॒दया॓त् ॥

We perceive the hamsa as the eternal truth, we meditate upon the hamsa, may the hamsa illuminate us towards light.

ॐ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॒ शान्तिः॑ ॥
Aum Peace, Peace, Peace


  1. What is a suktam ?? Purusha suktam stri suktam.. etc.
    What are called suktam's ??
    What difference identity they hold compared to other poetry ??

  2. Nagu pilla​​​​

    Sooktham(सूक्तम्), is collection of related mantras (मन्त्र), in veda samhitaa.

    One way of classification of vedic samhitaa (वैदिक संहिता) is dividing them in mandalas (मण्डल) , mandalas further has many sooktas and sookta is collection of those series of mantra , either they have common drishta-rishi, related to common ritual, or common devtaa(to whom it is dedicated etc.)
    Put it simply it is like these these mantra are known as this famous sooktas .
    For example Rig-Veda samhitaa ऋग्वेद संहिता has been divided into mandalas, in its 10th mandala, we find sookta 90, so the mantras under it are poorusha sukta, they are all mantras related to knowledge of purusha. After the last mantra ends a new sookta begins, and they are known to be part of that sukta, that would sookta number 91 new mantras dedicated to Agni now, and so on.


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