
Showing posts from March, 2016

Sudharma is a Sanskrit daily newspaper published from Mysore. It is the only Sanskrit daily currently published.

Sudharma is a Sanskrit daily newspaper published from Mysore. It is the only Sanskrit daily currently published.

This is a speech by Sri.

This is a speech by Sri. Claude Alvares in "India Inspires" - Claude is an environmentalist, founder of OFAI (Organic Farmers Association of India) and Other India Press (a publishing house of not so famous but important topics and authors). I know him personally through OFAI. His speech on Sri. Dharampal, Indian scientific heritage and his works is in this video. But not just that, Claude touches upon many topics including Water, Science, etc. He has done real research on traditional Indian sciences from C.E 1500 onwards. This video is a must watch and educational.

Introduction to Sanskrit Grammar - Varnamala

The Veda is eternally alive at every point in space throughout time...

The Veda is eternally alive at every point in space throughout time... Read more:

On this so called Women's day - it is necessary to remember Sri. Ubhaya Bharati & Ardhanareeshvara tatvam

On this so called Women's day - it is necessary to remember Sri. Ubhaya Bharati & Ardhanareeshvara tatvam So who is Sri. Ubhaya Bharati - When Sri. Adi Shankaracharya went to debate with the great Vedic pandit Sri. Mandana Mishra (actually he went to debate with Sri.Kumarila Bhatta, but had to debate with his student Sri. Mandana Misra) - the judge of the famous debate was Sri. Ubhaya Bharati - wife of Sri. Mandana Mishra. This we all know (at least some of us). Now what this means - there are deeper social underpinnings that we can understand from this historical event.  1. Sri. Mandana misra was the best among the best of Vedic scholars at that time apart from Sri. Kumarila Bhatta. His work "Sphota Siddhi" is the proof of that. Now if he himself said that "my wife will be the judge" - then that proved 3 things: i) the high amount respect he had for his wife and her scholarship, ii). in addition, he considered his wife's scholarship to be superior to hi...

I have been thinking recently about our state of temples.

I have been thinking recently about our state of temples. They have changed their forms from being cultural and binding factors to just business centres. mostly people who are visiting the temples are doing mechanical things. how can we revive the temples as discussion forums for arts, culture, social responsibilities from being just "transactional" in nature. there are satsangas being organized in the temples, but they just follow the bhakthi movement. how can we revive usage of sanskrit, learning of vedas, and then to create a more responsible generation than ours? ideas are welcome...