Originally shared by Krishnamurthi CG Vrkshayurveda वृक्षायुर्वेदः - what is this - a simple introduction - लघुपरिचयः । - Vrkshayurveda (or Vrikshayurveda) also known as Krishi shaastram - is not a single book but a branch of ancient Shastra. - Vrkshayurveda was very alive and was widely in practice till 19th Century or till British introduced their method of agriculture in India and later almost disappeared due to the onslaught by the Chemical agriculture practices (green revolution etc.) - Vrkshayurveda is a combined science of ABE (Agriculture, Botany and Ecology) - because each of these are tightly interconnected with each other and one can't study them separately from one another - Right from Bhoomi (Land selection), Agricultural field preparation, Soil fertility management, Animal husbandry, Seed preparation, Planting, Bio-fertilizers, Insect and weed control, Plant disease prevention, Water body management, Rain making & water harvesting, Plant growth, Time /Season manag...