Financial Corruption in India

Financial Corruption in India

[What is the reason for India not developing compared to Christian and Islamic countries?]

O Learned And Devoted Servants of God,

The basic reason is only corruption that always hinders the development of the country, which is based on the public works like construction of dams etc. If you see the construction of dam by Mr. Arthur Cotton on Godavari River, there is no much damage even after 100 years. But if you see the public constructions like roads and dams done by Indians, their lifetime sometimes is only a few days! Does this mean that Arthur Cotton was not as intelligent as Indians to do corruption in the project? The lack of corruption does not show the lack of intelligence in his case. It shows only his awareness of right spiritual knowledge as the background.

 Similarly, we don’t see much corruption in Islamic countries. Why corruption is in its climax in India only? Does this mean that there is no spiritual knowledge in India? We say that the spiritual knowledge does not exist any where in the world as much as it exists in India. Yes. Once upon a time, it existed in India in climax. But, now it exists in twisted forms, which differs from the spiritual knowledge in other countries, which is not twisted. The reason for this may be attributed to the difference in these three religions. But the same God gave the same spiritual knowledge in all religions through different forms because only one God created the entire universe and there are no three Gods or three universes!

The concept in Christianity and Islam is that there is no human re-birth. They say that this present human birth is the sole and final. After this birth, the enquiry is done and the soul goes to either God or hell. The soul will remain with God or in the hell forever. You can easily imagine the fear that is created by this concept. Just for a few rupees and a temporary luxurious life on the earth, one cannot take such permanent risk. This spiritual foundation is the reason for the absence of much corruption in these two religions. 

The administration of this world is Pravrutti and the field of attainment of God is Nivrutti. The basis of Pravrutti is Nivrutti and both are not different. Fear for God exists in all the religions and the existence of hell for punishing the sins is also common to all these three major religions. But, the concept of absence of human re-birth in Christianity and Islam reinforces the fear for sin and it is not so in Hinduism. Hence, the concept of human re-birth should be carefully analyzed, since there is only one concept for this entire universe because there is only one God for this one universe as accepted by each religion. The truth is that the original concept is twisted in Hinduism and is not completely understood in Christianity and Islam. The original concept, which is beyond these religions is now exhibited to protect the justice in this world and also to bring universality in the religions.


  1. The people you have mentioned to have functioning well are God fearing. But our Vedas preach not fearfulness but God lovingness. God fearing can only help for a limited time, whereas God loving is permanent. But you have a good point where Indians have forgot their spiritual roots. What exists now is just a crude form of what was practised decades earlier.

  2. You are correct , let us analyse little bit further.

    It is true that a few people exploited the concept of God for personal benefits. But, based on the few exceptions, you should not remove the basic system itself. A few railway accidents happen and due to such accidents, you should not cancel all the trains. You should concentrate to avoid the accidents. Similarly, some students might have copied in the examinations. Try to catch, such students. But, do not remove the system of examination itself. The system serves majority, doing lot of good. You forget the vast positive side of the system based on the minor negative side. The concept of God controls the sin in the society. If the concept of God is removed, lot of people will do lot of sins since already the ways to escape the punishment in courts are already available. The society will be crushed into pieces in the absence of the fear for sin. If God disappears, the hell disappears subsequently. 

    The concept of sin will drown and destroy the society like a Tsunami. However, this does not mean that the concept of God is again a created view only to save the society. Such conclusions are not correct. The concept of God is basically true and we have explained the positive side of such concept. It is a real concept and hence, the positive side is also real. Of course, the minor negative side is also real and control should be implemented to check-up such negative exploitations.
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace

  3. The concept of god is a reality, but the way majority conceives it today is the problem. That is the reason for unrest among various religious groups and among people. If we all identify the real god there will be no differences.

  4. Only one God created this world

    Hindus say that Brahman is the creator, Muslims say
    That Allah is creator, Christians say that the creator is 
    Jehovah, all say that the creation is this entire world.
    If Hindus say that Brahman created India, and if 
    Muslims say that Allah created Arabian countries and
    If Christians say that Jehovah created the western countries,
    The problem is solved, there can be three Gods together, 
    Who have created the three parts of the earth separately.
    But this is not so, each religion says that their God only
    Created the entire world, unfortunately there is one world!
    One world only! Come on, all of you sit together here
    And give me the final conclusion after debate, otherwise,
    The scientists are laughing on all of you! Shame to all! 
    They criticize that these religions do not have even
    The basic logic, which is the fundamental common sense.

    Because of you, the greatest God is also mocked by them 
    They say that the religions are rigid conservatisms! 
    Even a small boy is putting this question to all of you.
    Stop all your discourses and first answer this question.
    If you want to say that God created the entire world, 
    You have to accept that there is one God only always
    And that His names are all the above three names.
    We see in the world a single person having three names.

    If there is one God, He only created this entire world.
    All the human beings are invariably His children only.
    No Father is partial to a single child and therefore
    He must have preached the same knowledge to all 
    In different languages and in different methodologies
    To different levels, this is Universal Spirituality.
    Universal Spirituality for World Peace


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