Welcome to the world of Ayurveda.
Welcome to the world of Ayurveda. Where entire world refers it by alternative medicine, this was the first and authentic medicine known to humans. While modern medicine tends to research on a set of people and announce the results, and ignore the others by name "side effects", Ayurveda treats diseases separately. Let us start sharing our knowledge on Ayurveda, and many thanks to Krishnamurthi CG for enabling the discussions over this topic.
Like any shastra - the ultimate purpose of Ayurveda is Moksha (liberation from cycles of Births and Deaths) - From a Darshana point of view (I purposefully avoid the word philosophical - as darshana and philosophy are different from each other) Ayurveda is closely connected with Saankhyaa, however from the diagonosis point of view it is connected with Nyaya (Epistemology) - the treatises like Madhava Nidana (diagnosis), Padaarthavignana, etc. have adopted the priciples of Nyaya. Thus the upaveda - Ayurveda deserves a space not just as a holistic Health science but also on deeper aspects of the need for a good health and balance for leading a meaningful life
ReplyDeleteCan you brief how the diagnosis point of view is different from modern (western) treatments?