India wants DD-Sanskrit !
Originally shared by Krishnamurthi CG India wants DD-Sanskrit ! Over 120 million first time voters (out of the 550 million total voters) have registered and voted in this election. Majority of them have clearly voted for a Modi led BJP Government with a decisive mandate. So what is so significant about this number and why it is connected to DD-Sanskrit 120 million+ first time (young) voters - what this number means - this number is far more than UK (63.7 million) population and Canada (34.8 million) population put together. Even, if one takes that a 5% of this 120 million young people wants Sanskrit to be revived by the new Government, then it means 6 million people wants Sanskrit. Even if 5% of the total voters want to revive Sanskrit, it means about 23 million people want Sanskrit. Total would be around 30 million people or 3 crore people. When 3 Crore people want something like a Sanskrit TV channel, it is only right to start one sooner. It should also be noted that the website www....