Aarya: The most corrupted word in our culture is "Aarya" - "Ri" Dhatu + Nyat pratyayanta kridanta roopam like "Kri" became "Kaarya" (यथा "कृ" धातुः भवति "कार्य" तथा "ऋ" धातुः भवति "आर्य" ण्यत्/यत् प्रत्यययोजने). Ri means Order and the Bhaava (expression) of "Ri" is Aaryam - . The word is further derived into a Samasa compound to get Aaryah - Aaryam yasya sah = Aaryah (आर्यः). The word "Aaryah" as per yogaartha is the one who instills order, yet rooddyartha it is given to noble person or person of higher race. Here it is to be noted that as per yogaartha normally a kshatriya and that too in pravritti (in action) or God as an Avataara purusha (again in action) can only be an Aaryay - like Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Maharajah Vikramaditya, Maharajah Bhoja, Maharajah Shivaji, Maharaja Krishnadevaraya as they have established order - Dharma. A total renunciate can't be addressed as an Aarya -...